Sponsorship & Fundraising

Our community partners!


Dalyellup Dockers Football Club welcomes our new and returning sponsors for the 2024 season. Thank you for being part of our club family!

If you are interested in becoming a round sponsor, major sponsor, or would like to discuss donating something to one of our club events, please contact sponsorship@ddfc.org.au to request a Sponsorship Package.



Each year the Dalyellup Dockers Football Club celebrates our club community by holding an event for all families and anyone from the community who would like to attend.

2023 was a musical themed bingo event, and was a lot of fun for all who attended. As well as a fantastic night of entertainment, we incorporate a silent auction and raffle off some great prizes. These are donated by our wonderful sponsors and members of the community, and include prizes such as gym memberships, gift baskets, gift cards, hampers, sunglasses, and many other goodies.

Please contact sponsorship@ddfc.org.au if you would like to discuss donating a prize to our 2025 event, or to get onto the waiting list for tickets!


Do you have spare cans at home and would like to support your local football club? Consider donating them to our Containers for Change account! All proceeds go towards improving Club facilities and equipment for our kids.

Please contact treasurer@ddfc.org.au if you would like to consider ongoing donation.